2012-07-04 15:31 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: 次
摘要:陈镜超 信息科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师 。 07-08年期间担任国际学术杂志《Advances in Computer Science and Engineering》编委,第4届IASTED计算机与技术进展国际学术会议(ACST 2008)程序委员会成员,05年-09年管理、工程及信息国际学术会议MEI程序委
近几年发表的论著: 发表的主要论文 1.J.C. Chen, Symmetry partition sort, Software-Practice and Experience, 38, pp.761-773 2008. 2. J.C. Chen, Efficient sample sort and the average case analysis of PEsort, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol.369, pp.44-46, 2006. 3. J.C. Chen, A simple algorithm for in-place merging, Information Processing Letters,Vol.98,pp.34-40,2006. 4. J.C. Chen, Building a new sort function for a C library, Software-Practice and Experience,34, 8, 777-795,2004. 5. J.C. Chen, Optimizing stable in-place Merging, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.302/1-3 pp.191-210, 2003 6. J.C. Chen, Proportion extend sort, SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol.31, No.1,2001, pp.323-330. 7. J.C. Chen, Quadripartite sort, Journal of Algorithms 28, pp.258-271, 1998. 8. J.C. Chen, Proportion split sort, Nordic Journal of Computing 3, pp.271-279, 1996. 9. J.C. Chen, An Efficient Non-probabilistic Search Algorithm for the N-queens Problem, The Third IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Sciences and Technology (ACST), Phuket, Thailand, 2007. 10 J.C. Chen, A new heuristic algorithm for the closest string problem. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Austin, USA. 323-327, 2005. 11. J.C. Chen, Non-deterministic multi-probe routing. Proc. of the second IASTED International Multi-Conference on Communication Systems (ACIT-CS), Novosibirsk, Russia. 134-139, 2005. 12. J.C. Chen, Efficient heuristic algorithms for finding multi-constrained paths, Proc. of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, USA, 2002. 13. J.C. Chen, An Improvement on tree selection sort, Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 02), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2409, Springer, pp. 194-206, USA, 2002. 14. J. C. Chen, Practical, robust and adaptive Sorting, Proc. of the 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2004), Florida, USA, 2004. 15. J.C. Chen, XORSAT: An Efficient Algorithm for the DIMACS 32-bit Parity Problem, http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/0703006, 2007. 16. J.C. Chen, Iterative Rounding for the Closest String Problem, http://arxiv.org/pdf/0705.0561, 2007
研究成果: 早期的标准库排序函数qsort不是一个O(n log n)时间算法,具有最坏运行时间为O(n^2)的缺陷。最近,我们从理论上证明了存在实用的O(n log n)时间的排序算法,并为C语言构建了两个新的库排序函数,尤其是新近的Symmetry Partition Sort作为一种国际标准,将被GPL v3或以上版本采用。我们的另一个成果是,第一个在Mizar系统上用形式化方法严格证明了快速排序算法和Dijkstra最短路径算法的正确性。在美国德州大学奥斯汀分校和英国剑桥大学报告过这方面的学术成果。我们的科研成果已被国外的教科书引用和Marquis的《世界名人录》收录。 国际交流与合作: 1997年~2002年期间曾先后多次短期赴波兰华沙大学、加拿大Alberta大学、日本信州大学做合作研究。 讲授课程: 面向对象程序设计语言,信息论与编码,智能网、人工智能,数据库系统原理,多媒体技术,网络信息安全。 办公室电话:021-67792330 电子邮箱地址:chen-jc@dhu.edu.cn
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