
上海同济大学 理学部 数学系 讲师 李平简介

2012-07-03 13:49   来源:未知   作者:admin    点击:

摘要:姓名:李平 职称:讲师 研究方向:几何与拓扑 电话:8621659832402103 邮箱:pinglimathATyahoo.com.cn 通讯地址:上海市四平路1239号同济大学数学系 李平,男,1982年4月生,安徽安庆人。 2000年9月-2004年6月:武汉大学数学与统计学院数学基地班专业学习,





2011年10月-2013年10月:担任日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员 (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers)

其中,2011.10-2012.09:首都大学东京 (Tokyo Metropolitan University),

2012.09-2013.10:早稻田大学 (Waseda University)


呈现数学之美 展现师者之魅—北大师生体悟首届“全国教书育人楷模”姜伯驹的教育人生




06月14日 14:00,  致远楼108

Introduction to linear symplectic geometry (II) 余斌

06月07日 14:00,  致远楼108

Introduction to linear symplectic geometry (I) 余斌

a good reference: D. Mcduff and D. Salamon's famous book, Introduction to Symplectic Topology, Part I

05月31日 14:00, 致远楼108

On an algebraic formula and applications to group action on manifolds 李平

05月24日 14:00, 致远楼108

An introduction on Toledo invariant (III) 杨义虎

05月17日 13:30, 致远楼108

An introduction on Toledo invariant (II) 杨义虎

05月10日 14:00, 致远楼108

An introduction on Toledo invariant (I) 杨义虎

Reference: 1. D. Toledo, Scand Math., 1979;
                  2. D. Toledo, JDG.,1989.



12月13日  14:00, 致远楼107

Localization skills to enumerative geometry and other things,  李平

12月6日 14:00, 致远楼107

Witten's conjecture\Kontsevich's theorem and Virasoro conjecture, 李平

11月29日 14:00, 致远楼107

Small and big quantum cohomology ring,  李平

11月22日 14:00, 致远楼107

Calabi-Yau manifolds and Gromov-Witten invariants, 李平

Abstract: In the first lecture, we will review the basic knowledge of Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds, concentrating on CY threefolds (quintic hpersurface). Then we will define Gromov-Witten (GW) invariants, which has fundamental significance in enumerative geometry.

In the second lecture, using 0-genus GW invariants, we will construct small and big quantum cohomolgy rings. The most remarkable feature of these two rings is their associativity law, which has many far-reaching consequences in enumerative geometry and related topics. Small one can be taken as the deformation version of the ordinary cohomolgy ring while big one contains more informatins than small one.

In the third lecture, we will discuss how to compute GW invariants for smooth projective varieties. For a point, Witten has a famous conjecture on the generating function of these invariants, which has been proved by Kontsevich. For general projective manifold, there is a similar conjecture called Virasoro conjecture. We also discuss an integrability conjecture concerning the coefficients aring in the Gromov-Witten potential.

In the fourth lecture, we will discuss the possble applications of the localizations tools (developed by Bott, Atiyah-Singer and Atiyah-Segal) to some topics mentioned above.

Reference: Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry, Cox and Katz;

Mirror Symmetry, Hori et al.

Three questions on Gromov-Witten theory, Pandharipande, ICM 2002 report

Open problems (for AGNES), Pandharipande 2010, arXiv:1004.3259v2

11月15日 14:00, 致远楼106

An introduction to harmonic bundles (III)  杨义虎

11月8日 14:00, 致远楼106

An introduction to harmonic bundles (II)  杨义虎

11月1日 14:00, 致远楼106

An introduction to harmonic bundles (I)  杨义虎

Abstract: In this series of lectures, I will introduce the notion of harmonic bundles, and the notion to related Higgs bundles over Kaehler manifolds. I will discuss the existence of harmonic metrics on compact and noncompact Kaehler manifolds, and their pluriharmonicity (Bochner's technique for equivariant harmonic metrics---the lectures in the last semester); the pluriharmonicity implies an induced Higgs bundle from the harmonic bundle in question. The existence of harmonic metrics on a quasi-projective variety is closely related to the representation of \pi_1 near the compactified divisor; we will discuss this in details on the case of noncompact curves. I will also introduce the cohomologies of harmonic bundles and Higgs bundles, especially, L^2-cohomological theories. 

If time is admited, we will give a brief introduction of Griffiths' Hodge theory (period mapping) and Wilfried Schmid's famous results (Inventiones, 1973), which is the most natural example of harmonic bundles and Higgs bundles from algebraic geometry.

Some reference: P. Griffiths, Publication of IHES, 1970; Wilfried Schmid: Inventiones, 1973; Kevin Corlette: JDG, 1988; Carlos Simpson, JAMS, 1988, 1990; J. Jost and K. Zuo, JDG, 1997; Jost-Yang-Zuo, JAG, 2007; Jost-Yang-Zuo, Crelle's Journal, 2007; Yi-Hu Yang, Calculus of Variation and PDE, 2008.



2009.07-至今 同济大学数学系 讲师
2011.10-2012.09 首都大学東京(Tokyo Metropolitan Universtiy) 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员
2012.09-2013.10 早稻田大学(Waseda University) 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员 

2009秋季学期 线性代数  
2009秋季学期 数学分析(I)习题课  
2010春季学期 线性代数(重修班)  
2010春季学期 数学分析(II)习题课  
2010秋季学期 高等数学(A)上  
2010秋季学期 数学分析(I)习题课  
2011春季学期 高等数学(A)下 

5. The rigidity of Dolbeault-type operators and symplectic circle actions.  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140. (2012), 1987-1995.

4. (with Kefeng Liu) Circle action and some vanishing results on manifolds,  Internat. J. Math. 22.  (2011), 1603-1610.

3. (with Kefeng Liu)  Some remarks on circle action on manifolds.  Math. Res. Letters, 18. (2011), 437-446.

2. Chern numbers and the indices of some elliptic differential operators. Pacific J. Math. 251. (2011), 173-182

1.(with Yang Su) The signature of generalized flag manifolds and applications. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 26 (2010), 1457-1462.


主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目《指标理论和局部化公式在几何与拓扑中的一些应用》(项目批准号:11101308) (执行年限:2012.1-2014.12). 



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