2012-07-03 16:39 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: 次
摘要:姓名:许静平 出生年月:1980年02月 性别:男 导师类别:博导 学历:博士 电子邮箱: xx_jj_pp@hotmail.com 个人简历 教育背景 1997.9~2001.6 同济大学物理系 应用物理专业 理学学士 1998.9~2000.6 复旦大学经济系 经济学专业 辅修 2001.9~2004.4 同济大学物
1997.9~2001.6 同济大学物理系 应用物理专业 理学学士
1998.9~2000.6 复旦大学经济系 经济学专业 辅修
2001.9~2004.4 同济大学物理系 理论物理专业 理学硕士
2004.4~2007.3 同济大学物理系 理论物理专业 理学博士
2004.4~2005.4 香港浸会大学 交换博士生
2006.4~2006.6 香港浸会大学 交换博士生
2010.12~ 同济大学物理系 副教授
2009.6~2010.12 同济大学物理系 讲师
2011.1~2011.3 沙特阿拉伯 国家数学物理中心 访问学者
2009.3~2009.4 香港中文大学 访问学者
2008.11~2009.1 香港浸会大学 访问学者
2008.2~2008.5 香港浸会大学 访问学者
2007.6~2009.6 浙江大学光学所 光学 博士后
本科 《大学物理》
2008年 第1批全国博士后科学基金特别资助
1. Long-lived entanglement between two distant atoms via left-handed materials, Physical Review A 82, 030304(R) (2010)
2. Directional surface Plasmon polaritons excited by an atom near the left-handed materials slab, Journal of Modern Optics 57, 1473 (2010)
3. Interaction of a two-level atom and a field with a time-varying frequency in a Kerr-like medium, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 , 095102 (2010)
4. Quantum interference of V-type three-level atom in structures made of left-handed materials and mirrors, Physical Review A 81, 013816 (2010).
5. Normal mode splitting of transmission spectrum for Fabry-Perot cavity containing metamaterials, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, B50 (2009)
6. Spontaneous decay of a two-level atom near the left-handed slab, Physical Review A 79, 043812 (2009)
7. Quantum interference enhancement with left-handed materials, Physical Review Letters 100, 043601 (2008)
8. Quantum interference between two orthogonal transitions of an atom in one dimensional photonic crystals, Optics Letters 33, 2005 (2008)
9. Casimir force between left-handed-material slabs, Physical Review A 77, 015803 (2008)
10. Dynamics of atomic decay in a special one dimensional photonic crystal, The European Physical Journal D 49, 135 (2008)
11.Spontaneous decay process of a two-level atom embedded in a one-dimensional structure containing left-handed material, Physical Review A 76, 063813 (2007)
12.The influence on atomic decay by inserting a LHM layer into an ordinary one dimensional multi-layer structure,The European Physical Journal D 41, 403 (2007)
13.Spontaneous emission field of a two-level atom embedded in one-dimensional left-handed- and right-handed-material photonic crystals, Physical Review E 73,016604 (2006)
14.Non-Markovian dynamic evolution of spontaneous emission decay of a two-level atom embedded in one-dimensional photonic crystals, Physical Review B 74, 075314 (2006)
15.Nonperturbative analysis of spontaneous emission in one dimensional special photonic crystals,Optics Communications 268, 99(2006)
16.Negative Hartman effect in one-dimensional photonic crystals with negative refractive materials, Physical Review E 70, 066624 (2004)
17.Interactions of a two-level atom and a field with a time-varying frequency, Physical Review A 69, 053406 (2004)
18. Double-Channeled Omnidirectional filtering properties of the sandwich structures composed of single-negative materials, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 47,10501 (2009)
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