2012-07-04 15:27 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: 次
摘要:姓名 :汪世龙 行政职务 :副院长 生物医药与技术系主任 学位 :博士 导师情况 :博士生导师 研究领域 :生物化学与分子生物学 研究方向 : 1. 高温高产酒精菌种和高效降解有毒有机物菌种 的筛
姓 名:汪世龙 行政职务:副院长 生物医药与技术系主任 学 位:博士 导师情况:博士生导师 研究领域:生物化学与分子生物学 研究方向:1. 高温高产酒精菌种和高效降解有毒有机物菌种 E-mail:wsl@ tongji.edu.cn 联系电话:021-65982595 通讯地址:上海市四平路1239号,同济大学生命科学与技术学院(200092) 个人简介: 第九、十届中国生物化学与分子生物学理事、第一、二届蛋白质专委会委员、国家自然科学基金委员会第十三届生命科学部专家评审组成员,上海市生物化学与分子学学会常务理事,福建师范大学工业微生物教育部工程研究中心首届技术委员会委员,中国医药生物技术协会纳米生物技术分会第一届纳米生物技术分会理事,上海市室内环境检测专家组成员。民建同济大学委员会副主任、委员。1988年7月毕业于阜阳师范学院获学士学位,1988年7月至1990年8月在安徽科技学院任教,1996年6月毕业于中国科技大学获博士学位,1996年6月来同济大学工作至今。其间1999年9月至2000年5月在杨浦区科委挂职锻炼,任杨浦区科委副主任,2000年5月至2002年1月在美国Cornell University生物化学系 从事博士后研究工作。现已主持或参与国家973、863项目、国家自然科学基金,上海市科技攻关,上海市教委等项目20余项,已发表学术论文100余篇,其中被SCI,EI摘录的80余篇 ,申请专利8项,已指导出站的博士后1名, 毕业的博士生7名,硕士生12名。
课题组工作人员:孙晓宇、张敬、孙冬梅 副教授 硕士生导师 博士后: 秦黎黎 希望招生范围: 欢迎国内外有志于生物学、生物材料和化学研究的青年学子报考硕士生、博士生和从事博士后研究。 主要研究成果和研究方向: 1.高温高产酒精菌种和高效降解有毒有机物菌种的筛选、优化和机理研究: 利用一些极端条件对现有菌种和酶等进行诱变,期望获得一些优异的菌株和高效的酶,从而提高酒精生产的产量和发酵温度,或提高降解难降解有毒有机物的能力,并从理论上进行了探讨,本实验室现已获得了多株高产酒精和耐高温的优质酵母菌种。 2.纳米载药体系及其生物效应的研究: 针对层状双氢氧化物和固体脂质纳米粒等一些纳米粒子的特殊性能,进行了多种类型纳米材料的制备、控释和靶向性质的探讨,对所得的纳米粒子在治疗肿瘤药物和多肽药物载运的效果上进行了尝试,获得了一些具有潜在应用前景的纳米新材料和药物新剂型,同时对纳米材料作为佐剂和DNA疫苗载体等进行研究。 3.多肽及活性化合物作为分子药物的研制: 根据HIV-1膜融合的机理,分别从四个方面设计了系列多肽来作为HIV-1膜融合的抑制剂。即利用前体加工酶的抑制剂来抑制gp160的裂解;利用类CD4的多肽竞争gp120与CD4的结合;类gp41的碳端多肽来竞争抑制gp41分子的构象变化;上述三类多肽的活性中心组合成的组合多肽研究,现已取得了阶段性的成果。同时对心肌中局部内源性H2S生成调控及传递的机理进行研究。 4.生物分子及其相互作用的瞬态动力学研究: 利用课题组研制的纳秒级瞬态激光光解装置和中科院应用物理研究所研制的纳秒级瞬态激光光解,探索重要生物分子的瞬态行为和功能的关系以及与其他小分子之间相互作用的机理。 教学成果: 1. 2007年获上海市育才奖。 2. 承担的本科生课程“蛋白质化学”,2006年被评为同济大学精品课程和上海市重点建设课程 3. 指导的本科生毕业论文2007年被推荐为同济大学为优秀本科生论文 4. 指导学生参加的2007年第十届全国“挑战杯”比赛,作品“高温高产酒精酵母菌种的优化”获上海市二等奖。 5.“蛋白质研究”获研究生优质课程建设. 近期承担的项目: 1. 国家973计划重大专项,2010CB912604,心肌中局部内源性H2S生成调控及传递,2010-1014 2.国家863纳米重大项目的子课题,VP-16作为治疗胃癌纳米新剂型的研制,编号:2007AA022004,2008-2012。 3.转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项,人乳铁蛋白异位表达和对羊乳房、乳汁的影响,编号:2009ZX08011-032B,2010~2012 4.国家自然科学基金:抗HIV-1多肽抑制剂/层状双氢氧化物的研究,编号:50673078,2007~2009 5.国家自然科学基金:抗HIV-1gp160裂解和gp41穿膜抑制剂的研究,编号:30570376,2006~2008 6.国家自然科学基金:纳米二氧化钛的生物效应及其机理研究,编号:50572074,2006~2008 7.上海市教育委员会科技创新项目“耐高温高产酒精酵母菌株的优化和机理探讨”编号08ZZ21),2008-2010 8.上海市科委基础重点项目:组合多肽作为艾滋病膜融合抑制剂的机理研究,编号:06JC14068,,2007~2009 9.上海市纳米专项,多肽药物/层状无机物纳米复合载药体系的研究,编号:0552nm028,,2005~2007 10.上海市科委项目:多肽作为HIV-1治疗药物的研究,编号03DZ19223,2004-2006 论文发表: 已在Biomaterials,International Journal of Pharmaceutics,Nanotechnology, Amino Acides ,Electrochemostry Communications Biochemistry,Journal of Biol and Chem,Journal of Virology, Analytica Chimica Acta,Science in China等杂志上发表学术论文100余篇,其中被SCI,EI摘录的80余篇 其中2008年以来发表的代表性论文: 1. Ang Li, Lili Qin, Wenrui Wang, Rongrong Zhu, Yongchun Yu, Hui Liu, Shi-Long Wang*, The use of layered double hydroxides as DNA vaccine delivery vector for enhancement of anti-melanoma immune response, Biomaterials,2011, 32 ,469-477。(IF:7.365) 2.Ang Li, Lili Qin, Di Zhu, Rongrong Zhu, Jing Sun,Shilong Wang*, Signalling pathways involved in the activation of dendritic cells by layered double hydroxide nanoparticles,, Biomaterials, 2010,31 ,748–756 (IF:7.365) 3. Bin Luo, Shuai Xu, An Luo, Wen-Rui Wang, Shi-Long Wang, Jia Guo, Yao Lin, Dong-Yuan Zhao, and Chang-Chun Wang, Mesoporous Biocompatible and Acid-Degradable Magnetic Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Sustainable Stability and High Hydrophobic Drug Loading Capacity,ACS NANO,2011, 5 (2), 1428–1435. (IF:7.493) 4.Kun Li, Hongbao Wang, Lingli Cheng, Mei Wang,Rongrong Zhu, Shi-Long Wang,Characterization of transient species produced from laser flash photolysis of a new cardioprotective drug:S-propargyl-cysteine,Journal of photochemistry and photobiology A: Chemistry,219 (2011)195–199(IF:2.553) 5.Mei Wang, Kun Li , Rongrong Zhu, Lingli Cheng, Qingsheng Wu,Shi-Long Wang*,The protective function of hydrogen sulfide for lysozyme against riboflavin-sensitized photo-oxidation,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 103 (2011)186–191。(IF:1.871) 6.Kun Li Hongbao Wang Lingli Cheng, Hui Zhu, Mei Wang and Shi-Long Wang,The protective effect of salicylic acid on lysozyme against riboflavin-mediated photooxidation,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,79 (2011) 1–5(IF:1.511) 7. Xiao Rong, Wenrui Wang, Longlong Pan, Rongrong Zhu, Yongchun Yu,Huiping Li, Hui Liu* , Shi-Long Wang*, A sustained folic acid release system based on ternary magnesium / zinc / aluminum layered double hydroxides ,J Mater Sci 2011, 46:2635–2643, (IF:1.471) 8.Wenrui Wang, Rongrong Zhu, Rong Xiao, Hui Liu, Shi-Long Wang*,The electrostatic interactions between nano-TiO2 and trypsin inhibit the enzyme activity and change the secondary structure of trypsin,Trace Elem Res. DOI 10.1007/s12011-010-8823-x (IF:1.127) 9.Rong-Rong Zhu a, Wen-Rui Wang a, Xiao-Yu Sun a, Hui Liu b,*, Shi-Long Wang a,** Enzyme activity inhibition and secondary structure disruption of nano-TiO2 on pepsin,Toxicology in Vitro,2010 ,24,1639–1647,(IF:2.06) 10.Wei-ying Li, Fang-Fang Chen, and Shi-Long Wang* Binding of Reactive Brilliant Red to Human Serum Albumin: Insights into the Molecular Toxicity of Sulfonic Azo Dyes, Protein &Peptide Letters,2010,17,621-629(IF:1.755) 11. Zhen Xu, Shi-Long Wang, Hong-Wen Gao, Effects of Nanosized Silicon Dioxide on the Structures and Activities of Three Functional Proteins, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010.180,375-383 (IF:4.144) 12.Hong Zhu, Side Yao, Shilong Wang* MFα signal peptide enhances the expression of Cellulase eg1 gene in yeast,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2010,162(3),617 (IF:1.42) 13.Lili Qin , Meng Xue, Wenrui Wang, Rongrong Zhu,Shilong Wang*,Jing Sun, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyu Sun.The in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor effect of Layered Double Hydroxides nanoparticles as delivery for Podophyllotoxin,International Journal of Pharmaceutics,2010 ,388,223–230(IF:3.061) 14.Mei Wang, Ling-Li Cheng, Hui Zhu, Kun Li, Qing-Sheng Wu, Si-de Yao, Shi-Long Wang*,Characterization of the transient species generated in the photoexcitation of benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-,2-D-ribofuranosylhydrazide,Journal of photochemistry andphotobiology A: Chemistry, 2009,vol.208,104-109.(IF:2.362) 15.R R Zhu, L L Qin, M Wang, S M Wu, S L Wang, R Zhang, Z X Liu, X Y Sun, S D Yao. Preparation, Characterization and anti-tumor property of Podophyllotoxin-loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles.Nanotechnology, 2009,Vol,20,No.5. Published online.(http://stacks.iop.org/0957-4484/20/055702)(IF:3.446) 16. Gao, HW; Bai, J; Pei, XM; Wang, HY; Wang, SL,Preparation, Characterization and Application of Silver Chloride-Eosin Y Inclusion Material,ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARC(Z. Phys. Chem. )2008, 222,1635-1650. (IF:1.037) 17. Ling-Li Cheng, Mei Wang, Hui Zhu, Kun Li, Rong-Rong Zhu, Xiao-Yu Sun, Si-De Yao, Qing-Sheng Wu, Shi-Long Wang*,Characterization of the transient species generated by the photoionization of Berberine: a laser flash photolysis.study,Spectrochimica Acta Part A:2009,73,955-959。(IF:1.511) 18.Liu Yi*, Chen Yun, Zeng Yu-Ping②*, Wang Shi-Long,A simple solution route to controlled synthesis of Fe3O4 nanomaterials at low temperature,Science in China B: chemisty.2009, 52.(7),916-923。(IF:0.83) 19. Yan Tian*, Xiu Shi, Chunqiang Lu, Xiting Wang Shilong Wang*, Charge Separation in solid-State Nanopartilces-Sensitized Photovoltaic Cell, Electrochemostry Communications ,2009,11,1603-1605 (If=4.194) 20. Xu Meng, Zhu rongrong, Qin Lili, Li Fajie, Sun Xiaoyu, Wang Shilong*, Antitumor activity and pharmacokinetics of podophyllotoxin incorporated into solid lipid nanoparticles, Science in China B: 2009,52(8),1253-1257。(IF:0.83) 21. Lingli Cheng, Mei Wang, Ping Zhao,Hui Zhu, Rongrong Zhu, Xiaoyu Sun, Side Yao, Shilong Wang* The examination of berberine excited state by laser flash photolysis,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2009,73,268-272。(IF:1.511) 22. Rong R. ZHU, Shi L. WANG, Jun Chao, Dong lu Shi, Rui Zhang, Xiao Y. SUN,Si D. YAO. Bio-effects of Nano-TiO2 on DNA and cellular ultrastructure with different polymorph and size. Materials Science and Engineering C.,2009, Vol . 29, 691-696 (IF:1.812) 23. Fang-Fang Chen, Yi-Nan Tang Shi-Long Wang Hong-Wen Gao, Binding of brilliant red compound to lysozyme: insights into the lysozyme toxicity of water-soluble aromatic chemicals, Amino Acides,2009,36:399-407(IF:4.132) 24.Rongrong Zhu,Jun Chao,Shilong Wang,Xiaoyu Sun,Side Yao. Oxidative and binding effect of Nano-TiO2 on Plasmid DNA and Pepsin. 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, 1013-1016 25 Hong-wen Gao, Jing Bai,Xiao-Mei Pei, Hong-yan Wang, Shi-Long Wang, Preparation, Characterization and Application of Silver Chloride-Eosin Y Inclusion Material, Z. Phys. Chem. 2008,222,1635-1650。 (IF:1.112) 26. Chen Ping, Li Aang,Zhang Meng-jie,He Mei-lan,Chen Zhen,Wu Xiao-kang,Wang Shi-long, Liang Li-ping. Protection by superoxide dismutase mimetic against paraquat induced apoptosis in N27 cells. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 2008,40(2):125-132 (IF:1.482) 27. Yang Tian, Xiting Wang, Da Zhang, Xiu Shi, Shilong Wang, Effects of electron donors on the performance of plasmon-induced photovoltaic cell,Journal of photochemistry and photobiology A: Chemistry,2008,199,224-229 (IF:1.911) 28. Shiqiang Li, Rongrong Zhu, Hong Zhu, Meng Xue, Xiaoyu Sun, Side Yao, Shilong Wang *,Nanotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles to erythrocyte in vitro, Food and Chemical Toxicology,2008,46, 3626-3631。(IF:2.114) 29. Lili Qin, Shilong Wang*, Rui Zhang, Rongrong Zhu, Xiaoyu Sun, Side Yao ,Two different approaches to synthesizing Mg-Al-layered double hydroxides as folic acid carriers,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,2008,69,2779-2784。(IF:1.189) 30. Hong Zhu, Jingzao Xu, Jun Shi, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyu Sun, Rongrong Zhu, Side Yao, Shilong Wang. Mutation breeding for productive yeast strains through a novel method: High-energy-pulse-electron-beam,Annals of microbiology. 2008. 58(3),549-553。(IF:0.358 ) 31. ZHAO Ping1*, WANG Mei2*, ZHANG ShuPing3, SHAO SiChang3, SUN XiaoYu1, YAO SiDe1 & WANG ShiLong,Photochemical Properties of a New Kind of Anti-Cancer Drug: N-Glycoside Compound,Science in China B: chemisty.2008,51(9) 872-877。(IF:0.83) 32. Yan Hua Xue Rui Zhang Xiao Yu Sun Shi Long Wang*,The construction and characterization of layered double hydroxides as delivery vehicles for podophyllotoxins,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,2008,19:1197-1202 。(IF:1.955) 33. Li Shiqiang, Zhu Hong, Zhu Rongrong Sun Xiaoyu Yao Side Wang Shilong*, Impact and mechanism if TiO2 nanoparticles on DNA synthesis in vitro,Science in China B: chemisty.2008, 51(4):367-372。(IF:0.83) 34.Hong-Wen Gao, Qing Xu, Ling Chen, Shi-Long Wang, Yuan Wang, Ling-Ling Wu and Yuan Yuan, Potential Protein Toxicity of Synthetic Pigments: Binding of Poncean S to Human Serum Alumin,Biophysical Journal,2008,94,906-917。(IF:4.39) 35. ZHU Hong, XU Jingzao, LI Shiqiang, SUN Xiaoyu, YAO Side, WANG Shilong. Effects of High-energy pulse electron beam radiation on Biomacromolecules.Science in China B: chemisty.2008, 51(1):86-91。(IF:0.83) 申请专利: 1. 耐高温酒精酵母的优化方法,200710042225.3 2. 一种新型纳米骨修复材料及其制备方法,专利申请号 200510110167.4。 3. 抗HIV-1多肽C22,其编码序列及其制备方法,专利申请号 200510023542.1。 4. 抗HIV-1的Furin酶抑制剂的制法,专利申请号 200510028550.5。 5. 多肽药物/层状无机物纳米复合载药体系的研制,专利申请号 200610024260.8。 6. 固体脂质纳米粒作为鬼臼毒素及其衍生物载体的新剂型”,专利申请号 200510111606.3。 7. 壳聚糖及其衍生物作为抗HIV-1多肽药物载体的应用,专利申请号 200510110989.2。 8. 抗HIV-1的多肽、其编码序列及其用途,专利申请号 200710037104.X |
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