德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心,炎症和癌症研究中心的主任,及德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心免疫学系教授(终身)。近20年来主要研究固有免疫和获得性免疫的调节、细胞膜分子信号转导及基因表达的调控机制,重点探讨正常免疫应答以及免疫调节异常导致的免疫缺陷、自身免疫性疾病和过敏反应的分子调控机制。其领导的团队在发现重要免疫耐受调节分子方面做出了重要贡献,特别是在Th17细胞的分化、调节和功能研究方面进行了大量开创性的工作, 是该领域的研究权威之一。其发现对人们理解炎症、自身免疫性疾病和过敏性疾病的发病机制,以及探索有效的治疗方法提供了很大的帮助。已在国际一流学术期刊发表论文及专著120余篇,共获得10多项资助,其中NIH资助6项,目前在研10项。2009年被美国免疫学学会授予取得杰出成就的青年免疫学家奖。目前受聘为同济大学讲座教授,博士生导师,同济大学附属东方医院炎症与肿瘤转化医学研究所所长。
Dong C, Yang DD, Wysk M, Whitmarsh AJ, Davis RJ, Flavell RA. Defective T cell differentiation in the absence of Jnk1. Science 282(5396):2092-5, 1998.
Dong C, Yang DD, Tournier C, Whitmarsh AJ, Xu J, Davis RJ, Flavell RA. JNK is required for effector T-cell function but not for T-cell activation. Nature 405(6782):91-4, 2000.
Dong C, Juedes AE, Temann UA, Shresta S, Allison JP, Ruddle NH, Flavell RA. ICOS costimulatory receptor is essential for T-cell activation and function. Nature 409(6816):97-101, 2001.
Prasad DVR, Richards S, Mai XM, Dong C. B7S1, a novel B7 family member that negatively regulates T cell activation. Immunity 18(6):863-73, 2003.
Zhang Y, Blattman JN, Kennedy NJ, Duong J, Nguyen T, Wang Y, Davis RJ, Greenberg PD, Flavell RA, Dong C. Regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses by MAP kinase phosphatase 5. Nature 430(7001):793-7, 2004.
Park H, Li Z, Yang X, Chang S, Nurieva R, Wang Y, Hood L, Tian Q, Dong C. A distinct lineage of CD4 T cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing interleukin 17. Nat Immunol 6(11):1069-70, 2005. PMCID: PMC1618871.
Zhang Y, Chung Y, Bishop C, Daugherty B, Chute H, Holst P, Kurahara C, Lott F, Sun N, Welcher A, Dong C. Regulation of T cell activation and tolerance by PDL2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:11695-11700, 2006. PMCID: PMC1544232.
Angkasekwinai P, Park H, Wang YH, Wang YH, Chang SH, Corry DB, Liu YJ, Zhu Z, Dong C. Interleukin 25 promotes the initiation of proallergic type 2 responses. J Exp Med 204(7):1509-17, 2007. PMCID: PMC2118650.
Nurieva R, Yang X, Martinez G, Zhang Y, Ma L, Schluns K, Tian Q, Watowich S, Jetten A, Dong C. Essential autocrine regulation by IL-21 in the generation of inflammatory T cells. Nature 448(7152):480-83, 2007.
Chung Y, Qin H, Kang CY, Kim S, Kwak LW, Dong C. An NKT-mediated autologous vaccine generates CD4 T-cell dependent potent antilymphoma immunity. Blood 110(6):2013-9, 2007. PMCID: PMC1976361.
Yang XO, Pappu BP, Nurieva R, Akimzhanov A, Kang HS, Chung Y, Ma L, Shah B, Panopoulos AD, Schluns KS, Watowich SS, Tian Q, Jetten AM, Dong C. T helper 17 lineage differentiation is programmed by orphan nuclear receptors ROR alpha and ROR gamma. Immunity 28(1):29-39, 2008. PMCID: PMC2587175.
Yang XO, Chang SH, Park H, Nurieva R, Wang Y-H, Zhu Z, Dong C. Regulation of inflammatory responses by IL-17F. J Exp Med 205(5):1063-75, 2008. PMCID: PMC2373839.
Yang X, Nurieva R, Martinez G, Chung Y, Kang H, Pappu B, Shah B, Chang S, Schluns K, Watowich S, Feng X, Jetten A, Dong C. Molecular antagonism and plasticity of regulatory and inflammatory T cell programs. Immunity 29(1):44-56, 2008. PMCID: PMC2630532.
Nurieva RI, Chung Y, Hwang D, Yang XO, Kang HS, Ma L, Wang YH, Watowich SS, Jetten AM, Tian Q, Dong C. Generation of T follicular helper cells is mediated by interleukin-21 but independent of T helper 1, 2, or 17 cell lineages. Immunity 29(1):138-49, 2008. PMCID: PMC2556461.
Chung Y, Chang SH, Martinez GJ, Yang XO, Nurieva R, Kang HS, Ma L, Watowich SS, Jetten A, Tian Q, Dong C. Critical regulation of early Th17 cell differentiation by IL-1 signaling. Immunity 30(4):576-87, 2009.
Nurieva RI, Chung Y, Martinez GJ, Yang XO, Tanaka S, Matskevitch TD, Wang YH, Dong C. Bcl6 mediates the development of T follicular helper cells. Science 325(5943):1001-1005, 2009.
Yang XO, Angkasekwinai P, Zhu J, Peng J, Liu Z, Nurieva R, Liu X, Chung Y, Chang SH, Sun B, Dong C. Requirement for the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Dec2 in initial TH2 lineage commitment. Nat Immunol 10(12):1260-1267, 2009. PMCID: PMC2784129.
Martin-Orozco N, Muranski P, Chung Y, Yang XO, Yamazaki T, Lu S, Hwu P, Restifo NP, Overwijk WW, Dong C. T helper 17 cells promote cytotoxic T cell activation in tumor immunity. Immunity 31(5):787-98, 2009. PMCID: PMC2787786.
Angkasekwinai P, Chang SH, Thapa M, Watarai H, Dong C. Regulation of IL-9 expression by IL-25 signaling. Nat Immunol. 2010 Mar;11(3):250-6.
Reynolds JM, Pappu BP, Peng J, Martinez GJ, Zhang Y, Chung Y, Ma L, Yang XO, Nurieva RI, Tian Q, Dong C. Toll-like receptor 2 signaling in CD4+ T lymphocytes promotes Th17 responses and regulates the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease. Immunity 32(5):692-702, 5/2010. PMCID: PMC2878917.
Nurieva RI, Zheng S, Jin W, Chung Y, Zhang Y, Martinez GJ, Reynolds JM, Wang SL, Lin X, Sun SC, Lozano G, Dong C. The E3 ubiquitin ligase GRAIL regulates T cell tolerance and regulatory T cell function by mediating T cell receptor-CD3 degradation. Immunity. 2010 May 28;32(5):670-80.